
Full FTE Support

Full Ongoing Support Services

Many institutions need help from top to bottom to manage and maintain their overall web presence.  Our ongoing services help you regain control of your web site and keep it growing and moving forward.

We will assign a main point of contact for all your institutional needs, backed up by an entire team who can assist with problems or step in for emergency support.

We can make content updates, proactively monitor and maintain your site to assist with 508/ADA compliance, and keep things fresh with new functionality as the higher education landscape changes over time.

With this level of service, someone is continuously focused on your needs and working on your site.  From webmastering and content to custom development, this is the service for a focused commitment to your web presence.

How It Works

With all ongoing resources, you will have a named person who will be your primary point of contact.  It will be up to the CIO to manage communications with that person.  All requests must be entered into Service-Now and assigned to the person in question.  The person will already be set up in Service-Now and the Service Delivery Manager will advise how to properly assign these tickets.

The CIO or assigned representative from the site as designated by the CIO will be responsible for prioritization of tickets.  Web services will provide estimates for requests and propose realistic deadlines and the CIO must decide which requests take priority and communicate expectations to the client.

The CIO or assigned representative from the site as designated by the CIO will be responsible for providing all necessary accounts, access, specifications, graphics, or other necessary requirements to complete tasks.  This may require resources from outside of Ellucian Web Services.  For larger projects, this may require detailed specifications and project management services from outside of Ellucian Web Services.  Any delay in this will cause project deadlines and estimates to be jeopardized.

All tickets should receive a response from Ellucian Web services within 24 hours (exceptions for holidays, sick time, planned vacation, etc…) .  If the project cannot be completed within the same business day, an estimate will be provided for completion of the project.  This estimate may require further specifications and may change once complete specifications are received.

If third party developers are present, the CIO or assigned representative from the site as designated by the CIO will be responsible for managing their projects and any conflicts that arise between that third party and Ellucian Web Services.