
Custom Solutions

Often times you need something custom for your site to make it stand out from the competition.   Our experienced team of designers and developers will work with your school to determine the best approach to solve your specific needs and will hand craft a solution that will work for you.   We are well versed in the details of operating a large website for your college or university and can help you plan, build and incorporate new and existing features and functionality into your site.    Features such as student spotlights and testimonials, reusable facts and quotes libraries, interactive faculty and staff directories, payment processing solutions, job boards, and many more are some of the custom solutions we have developed. 

We also understand that you might already have a solution that is working to solve a specific need you have, such as an external event calendar or college catalog.   We have the experience to integrate those external systems into your website to make it a cohesive solution that just works for your users. 

Service Details

The deliverable of this service will vary depending on the solution being developed.  Usually the feature is developed as a plugin or module for your content management system which is loaded into your site and managed right alongside the rest of your content. 

We will work with the teams responsible for the feature for the website to determine the requirements, draft a project plan and deliver a solution that will be easy to use and will work great on the website.   

Often times these services have a data component that needs to be integrated with a secondary system.   Often times custom import processes, or real-time data integration is required and we will deliver you a solution that makes it easy for the site to use such data. 

General overview of the process is as follows:

  • Determine stakeholders, testing and approval groups
  • Meet with project team members to determine exact functional specifications
  • Determine if front end design component is involved
    • Develop prototypes in browser when a user facing component is required.  
  • Determine if a third party system needs to be incorporated, or a data import written and create a plan to incorporate thisdata.
  • Feature Development and Design
  • Perform any data imports or connections as required. 
  • Testing, Feature Iteration, Approvals
  • Install Plugin or Module on your site, final testing and approvals. 
  • Provide documentation and training on how to use the new feature.