
508 Analysis

ADA compliance is an ongoing need at all institutions.  We know this and we offer a service to help scan and identify 508 compliance issues on your site as a starting point to help guide you to a solution.  Once we have identified the issues, we present them to you in an organized format so that you can address them in-house, or schedule time with our team to follow-up on the findings of this scan to begin a bigger project to help make the appropriate changes to your front-end design or the back-end functionality to help get you in compliance.

<more details on ADA requirement and the importance here, maybe this goes first on the page>

Our predefined 508 scanning service includes:

Scanning your site with our tools <details here obviously>

Deliverables are <define reports delivered here>


Note:  This is NOT AN AUDIT!  This is a scan that will catch most issues but is not a replacement for a full site audit.