
Theme Design and Development

Your web site needs to look great and work even better.  Our team will hand craft a theme for your website that brings exciting and engaging content to your users in ways they will love.   All of our themes are responsive, work across any number of mobile devices, are impactful and most importantly they produce results.  

With our extensive experience in building themes for Higher Education we know what often gets overlooked and have a reputation for our attention to detail. We take pride in integrating the theme with your content management system in a way that makes managing your website easy and enjoyable.   We have extensive experience with WordPress and Drupal and have built dozens and dozens of themes for each platform.

Service Description

The objective of this service is to design and build a new theme for your website.  The theme is the look and feel of the site, what features it has, how your content is displayed, and generally includes everything users interact with.   

After we are complete you will have a new modern look for your website and new and updated features for your end users.   The theme is developed as a theme for your content management system and is tightly integrated. It will follow best practices for your content management system and is coded to the highest standards. 

We will design in browser so the theme can always be tested on multiple devices.   During theme design and development standard mockup content will be used where required.  Prototypes might represent some of your navigation links, calls to action, images, videos and other media, however where such content is present it is for representational purposes only and is not the final content which you will later update once you are using the site.   

The process of theme design and development is an iterative process where we use the results of incremental changes to build upon each other until we achieve the completed set of templates.   A single prototype concept is developed and used as the base for the remaining design and development work.   Each step of the prototype design process we will meet with your web steering team to receive feedback and make adjustments as required.  During the prototype design phase, we will meet at least once a week with your steering team so you have ample opportunities to steer the prototype design decisions, request changes and give approvals.

An overview of the theme design and development service is as follows:

  • Determine overall concept for the website
    • Discussions about other sites you like and don’t like
    • Discussions about several different website concepts
  • Prototype
    • Overall concept, colors, fonts, look and feel
    • Header, Footer, Global Site Layout
    • Default Page Template Layout
    • Default Page Template Body Content
    • Home Page Template
    • Landing Page Template
    • News Listings and Articles Template
    • Calendar Listing and Events Template
    • Custom Styles and Templates as Needed
    • Overall Prototype Approval
  • Theme Development
    • Core Theme Framework
    • Global Navigation Elements
    • Header
    • Footer
    • Content Builder Framework
      • Events Widgets
      • News Widgets
      • Testimonials Widgets
      • Faculty / Staff Directory Widgets
      • Facts / Statistics Widgets
      • Other widgets and short codes as needed for theme functionality
    • Utility Functions
      • Image Size Planning and Development
      • Navigation Menu Registrations and Output
      • Sidebar Registration and Management Options
      • Additional Theme Utility Functions as Required
    • Global Default Site Layout
      • Main Content and Sidebar(s)
      • Interior Navigation Menus
      • Breadcrumbs
      • Site Image and Video Output and Management Options
      • Pagination for Listing Pages
      • Comments (if enabled)
      • Site and Section Headers:  Banners, Shared Images, Site Description
      • Site and Section Footers:  Social Links, Calls to Action, Pre-Footers,Other Configurable Shared Options
    • Home Page Sections
      • Section / Content Manager (Background, Images,Colors, Contents, Menus, Widgets, Other)
      • Feature Stories, Call to Actions, Widgets, Featured Slideshow
      • News Section
      • Events Section
      • Spotlights and Testimonials
      • Facts, Numbers, Highlights
    • Landing Pages
      • Admissions Landing Page
      • Campus Life Landing Page
      • One Additional Landing Page for Departments /Division Homepages
    • Auxiliary Sections
      • News Listings and Articles
      • Events Calendar Widgets, Short codes, Landing Pages
      • Student Success Stories
    • Search
    • Site Map
    • 404
    • Analytics Integration